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Multiwordsuggestoracle example

10 Mar 15 - 11:55

Multiwordsuggestoracle example

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Sep 2, 2008 - Issue 2838: MultiWordSuggestOracle's sorting of suggestions should be For example, it's often much more logical for suggestions whose first

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public class MultiWordSuggestOracle; extends SuggestOracle Example: If ".," is passed in as whitespace, then the string "foo.bar" would match the queries For example, the query "bar" would match "bar", but not "foo; * bar". as word separators; */; public MultiWordSuggestOracle(String whitespaceChars) {; this.Feb 11, 2010 - UiBinder with SuggestBox & MultiWordSuggestOracle There are very few examples of the SuggestBox with UiBinder so I thought this might public class: MultiWordSuggestOracle [javadoc | source] Example: If ".," is passed in as whitespace, then the string "foo.bar" would match the queries "foo",

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For example you could have both the user ID and name in the list, either on the same line, or on different lines. I've left the full country list in the code listing - you Nov 10, 2012 - I have a question regarding the GWT MultiWordSuggestOracle According to the examples I've seen, in order to populate the oracle with data, This page provides Java code examples for com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.MultiWordSuggestOracle. The examples are extracted from open source Java projects Aug 14, 2007 - public final class MultiWordSuggestOracle extends SuggestOracle {. /** For example, the query "bar" would match "bar", but not "foo. * bar". Class MultiWordSuggestOracle. public final class MultiWordSuggestOracle Example: If ".," is passed in as whitespace, then the string "foo.bar" would match

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